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U.S. Supreme Court Grants Petition Authored by Steven Klepper

In Williams v. Johnson, 573 U. S. ____ (2014), the Supreme Court of the United States granted a certiorari petition principally authored by Steven Klepper. The petition, filed on behalf of a California inmate serving a life sentence, asked the Supreme Court to vacate a lower court's ruling that further consideration of the inmate's Sixth Amendment claim was foreclosed. In a one-page summary opinion, the Supreme Court vacated the judgment and remanded for further adjudication by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Steve has been working with San Diego-based counsel of record, Kurt David Hermansen, on the case since 2011, including assisting in merits briefing in the prior appeal, Johnson v. Williams, 133 S. Ct. 1088 (2013).

The petition received extensive coverage on The Volokh Conspiracy blog of the Washington Post, in addition to coverage on SCOTUSblog. More information on the case is available in Will Baude's post, Williams v. Johnson: An Obscure Case Will Be Handled the Right Way.